I have a friend whose house was destroyed by fire, and I kept her two girls last week. We also invited my niece to play. I love this picture with all 8 kids in my dining room--and Chris in the background on the computer! What a life!

My Facebook profile picture used to show me holding Tobias, and old friends thought I only had one baby. I worked hard for those twins, so I set up this shot to show off TWO babies on my Facebook profile.

Chris and I prettied up for our anniversary date to Chez Phillippe. I have to admit, the dress, although labeled two sizes bigger than what I normally wear, was a bit too small in the waist. I actually had to excuse myself to unzip it and take a deep breath. Was it worth it? Yes. Why have a pretty dress hang in your closet your whole life long?

How cute! Tobias and Tyler discovered that they could hold hands at breakfast. It just thrilled my soul.

I love this picture of Tobias and Tyler. The patriotic colors and stark contrast of the white blanket and blue playpen combine with the natural light to highlight my 8-month-old babies. I used this shot of Tyler to make the composite header (during which process, I saved over the original, changing the resolution to a measly 72 dpi! Noooooooo!)
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