Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Famous Last Words

I recently read a book wherein the father suffered injuries that led to his death, but he had time to formulate his dying wishes to his child. It touched me so profoundly that I bought a journal for the sake of collecting quotes worth remembering. This is the one that started it all, and if, at my death, my loved ones heard these words from me and heeded them, I would smile down on them from Heaven.

"My little girl, what did our Savior die for? First to redeem us, and also to teach us by his burial and resurrection that death is but a falling asleep in this world and an awakening in the next. Clara, after this, when you think of your father, do not think of him as lying in the grave, for he will not be there in his vacated body, no more than he will be in the trunk with his cast-off clothes. As the coat is the body's covering, so the body is the soul's garment and it is the soul that is the innermost and real man; it is my soul that is me; and that will not be in the earth, but in heaven! therefore do not think of me gloomily as lying in the grave, but cheerfully as living in heaven--as living there with God and Christ and his saints... Think of me as being happy in that blessed society. Do not fancy that it is your duty to grieve, but on the contrary know that it is your duty to be as cheerful and happy as possible... Seek for yourself, dear child, a nearer union with Christ and God. Seek it, Clara, until the spirit of God shall bear witness with your spirit that you are as a child of God! so shall you, as you come to lie where I do now, be able to say of your life and death, as I say with truth of mine--The journey has been pleasant, but the goal is blessed!"

from The Hidden Hand, by E. D. E. N. Southworth; Lamplighter: 2011; p. 211.

Also, speaking of words, our devotion asked the kids this morning, "Do you know what your parents' favorite words are?" Of course the given answer was, "I love you!" but my eldest piped up, "I know your favorite word: CLEAN!"

And the pang of the conviction of the Holy Spirit cuts deep.
