Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Family planning

I recently read an article bemoaning bloggers who share too much private information, during the course of which the author actually quoted some of the private information he would rather not have known, as examples of course, but none-the-less proliferating the TMI! If you'd rather not know details about our family plans (and by that, I mean, the process of adding one or more babies to the family), then stop reading. (Side note--I just re-read this sentence after finishing this post, and it sounds much more graphic than I intended. I will not, in fact, be discussing "the process" of making babies. This post is really about adoption. =)

There, you've been warned.

Chris and I talked yesterday. We have both come to the conclusion that we are content with five children, and also content with the idea of more children. This begs the question, "What now?" People in a contented state usually don't try to change that state, so without discontent, how will we move forward?

We discussed another pregnancy. My poor body has had about all I care to take. I get so tired when I'm pregnant that I can't look after the other children the way I want to. Chris, being an employed student, really can't take up the slack at home when I'm sleeping 14 hours a day building a baby (or two.) It's only nine months, but I am NOT content with the idea of another pregnancy at this time in my life.

We discussed adoption. Everyone wants a baby to adopt, and with good reason. If you've read child-rearing books, like the one I'm currently reading, "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson, you'll know that the first few years of life really do allow the parents to set up a child in behavioral patterns. James Dobson suggests that a boy desperately needs his father in the picture at the early age of three, as he separates himself from his mother in his toddler years and begins to learn what it means to be a man. (I have actually seen David, 2, doing this!)

However, Chris doesn't want to place through an adoption agency to adopt a baby when we can make our own. He said if someone we know needs adoptive parents and chooses us, he'll certainly adopt. He's actually open to adopting older children sometime down the road. I'm content with that decision, too. The Bible teaches us to care for orphans and widows, and adoption is certainly one way to do that.

I told God one time last year that if He provided another vehicle for us (that has more seats), we'll take that as a sign to have more children. =) I love Gideonizing.

So far, no car.

I'm still content. Honestly. The Christian who rests in the intimacy of fellowship with God can really rest. What a wonderful Lord we have.

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