Wednesday, October 1, 2014

In my defense...

One hour on a bike sounds at least a little weird. Add a moderate thunderstorm to the mix, and you can use this little stunt as evidence if I ever plead insanity in court. 

What can I say? When the babysitter is here, come Hell or high water, come what may, I refuse to skip my me-time. 

Lol. Insanity. I like it here. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Safety & fun don't always go together


So, we are practically the coolest parents ever. But not necessarily the safest... 😂

Ta-da Labor Day Done!

My sweet husband hasn't yet learned to take a little longer on his projects, because if he's got time, I've got projects! But I know the boys will be so excited to clamber up to their new loft when they wake up tomorrow. And I hope they do... until about 9:30, so I can sleep in. <Yawn>

Saturday, August 30, 2014

And for Labor Day... Labor!

Our sweet boys will finally have a cool hanging bed system! Keep you updated!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Everyone knows you shuffle better when your tongue is sticking out. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Death by Canopy

A beautiful storm blew over the beach today in a matter of moments. As we hastily gathered our few belongings and began the trek back to the building, the wind whipped up the sand around us, blinding us with the pelting pellets. I glanced up to see a blue tent canopy rising off the ground ten feet from me. The wind whirled it straight for my head. 

I'm amazed how quickly our brains can think in tense situations: I analyzed my options in the span of one second and decided to throw myself to the ground in fetal position and cover my head with my hands, like I'd been taught twenty-five years ago in grade-school tornado drills. 

Neither of us had time to feel fear before safety was assured, but Hubs pointed out that I could have been impaled as the canopy flipped and whirled and implanted itself--very firmly--in the sand again. 

So, I guess I escaped death today? I feel like I'm on the movie Final Destination. Who gets impaled by a canopy?! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fun in the sun

Every family needs a funtime break. I'm so thankful for our summer break to enjoy the kids without overly parenting them. 

Sunsets are better facing West

I remember the first time I went to the beaches of Florida. I was 12. I'm not much of a morning person, but I sure do enjoy the time of day when the sun meets the horizon. I planned to enjoy the sunset on the beach. The only problem was, we were on the East Coast... Facing East. 

Sunsets, especially beach sunsets, are better facing West. 

So, Hubs and I are headed to the beach, to reconnect, revitalize, re-romanticize. And catch a sunset or two facing West. 

Because this is the best I can do in Arkansas: 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Withstanding the flood

West Memphis is notorious for poor drainage after storms. I praise God that He protected Hubs as he investigated flood damage. I praise God the building seems to have sustained no flood damage. 

Storms scare us. Storms test our faith. But we will come through this closer to Jesus and stronger together than before. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shoe shopping

My husband just sincerely told me, "I like your shoes." 

Excuse me while I pick up my jaw. 

"Did you just notice my shoes?! Who are you?" I asked, bewildered. 

"If there's anything in fashion I have an opinion about, it's women's shoes," he replied. 

"How have we been married almost 13 years, and I have never known that?!"

I just never thought I could learn something new about a man I've known as a lover for 17 years. 

Especially if it means we get to go shoe shopping together!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why I don't go to church anymore

I grew up in the South. Yes, it's capitalized, because it is a Thing. People who grow up in the South say, "Yes, Ma'am," and drink sweet tea on their front porches. We never turn down an invitation to a friendly get-together in the interest of being polite, even if we know we'd prefer to skip out. We say, "That sounds wonderful. Let's make it happen someday."

We also attend church.

The culture of the south has developed a type of Southern Churchianity (a phrase I first heard used by Michael Smith). It is a part of what we do. Good Southerners go to church, participate in fundraisers and charity events, and give to the poor. However, a true, intimate thirst for the knowledge of the Lord and His holy ways often lies ignored. This creates an environment of competition, strife, and even depression as we work to the bone to be acceptable to the church but miss out on the relationship with the God who created us and loves us.

But that's not why we don't go to church anymore.

We don't go to church anymore because our daughters play competitive basketball each weekend. We do, however, enjoy a little family Bible study and worship songs together.

How's that for a deceptive headline?
(Please don't hate me. I'm in a capricious mood. I'll shape up next time, I promise.)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A letter to my younger self at high school graduation

So, I hit the big 35 today. I've been musing about age, time, and life this week, but not in a mournful, grievous way. I love my life--my confidence, my vision, my family. I wish my college self had known how to be this happy. I wish I could have told myself these things as I headed off to college 17 years ago.
1. I'd rather be strong than skinny. Don't fall for the world's idea about how women should look. Eat healthfully and exercise regularly. The number on the scale is just a number. Be happy with your strength and your curves.
2. I'd rather risk failure than not try at all. You never know what you'll miss if you don't just go for it sometimes.
3. A good marriage requires from both parties time, effort, and forgiveness, but not necessarily riches. But a good marriage is worth it.
4. Raising children teaches you true sacrifice and requires depth of patience you've never known before. But you'll experience a depth of love you never thought possible.
5. On that note, all birth control methods are not equal. Educate yourself.
6. There's no need to rush through life. Slow down. Enjoy the journey. The destination isn't going anywhere.
7. If you love someone, tell them often. Show them even more often.
8. Be encouraging. The world has enough critics and cynics.
9. Leggings are not pants.
10. Sometimes you must choose the happiness of those you love over your own happiness. The pain may be great, but the reward is greater.
11. Never take your family or friends for granted. Always be grateful for the little things.
12. Let the law of love rule your heart. Adherence to a strict set of rules alone may win you the Citizen of the Year award, but not Child of the One, True King.
13. Dare to be scandalous in the eyes of the world if that's what God has called you to. Jesus ate with sinners, after all. And women. (Gasp.)
14. When you get married, don't expect your spouse to change for you. But don't expect him to remain the same for the next 50 years, either. Commit to love him, regardless.
15. Make memories that will always make you smile.
16. Learn to be comfortable enough with yourself to laugh at yourself, but don't laugh at those who haven't arrive at that beautiful confidence yet.
17. Avoid company that drag you down. You only have so much time in life: spend it with people who make you the best version of yourself.
18. Learn to avoid emotional manipulation. Do what you know is right regardless of how you are made to feel.
19. Don't get drunk.It impairs your judgment and makes you act like an idiot. That may be okay for others, but it's not for you.
20. Education enhances life. Don't take it lightly. But learn to appreciate the uneducated as God's beloved as well. Don't ever stop learning.
21. Don't procrastinate yourself to death. A small drip will become an overwhelming flood if ignored.
22. As you amass wealth, the world will try to plunder you. Be wise in spending, but don't let it consume you.
23. Everyone has the same amount of time each day. Choose your activities wisely to accomplish your end goal.
24. It's okay to have fun every now and then.
25. Leggings are not pants. (Did I repeat myself? Apologies. It's that important!)
26. There will be times when you feel so overwhelmed in life that you need a soul vacation. Don't feel guilty about it--these times of quiet reflection in solitude will revitalize your spirit and rejuvenate your fervor of faith.
27. Your life does not have to look like everyone else's life to be right. You are forging your own path, and it will be narrow, rocky, and full of brambles. But the adventure will be glorious.
28. Don't let technology suck your life away. It has its place of usefulness to enhance your life, but don't neglect actually living.
29. Bacon makes everything better. So does chocolate. So does wine. But never mix the three.
30. Beauty fades. Find someone who makes you laugh to satisfy you all your days.
31. You cannot please everyone. So please stop trying.
32. People are always eager to judge and criticize you. Walk away, plug your ears, learn to ignore it... unless it's coming from someone you deeply love. Or if it's true. Then, if it bothers you, just change.

Maybe I should save this and remind myself in another 15 years. With age comes wisdom, and I'm thrilled to enjoy some of it, finally. Happy birthday to me!
