Friday, April 1, 2011

Religion is a whistle

Religion is a noisy whistle
Yesterday, my twin preschooler boys fought over a toy. The screaming and squealing from the fight itself nearly deafened me, but what really drove me batty was the toy. It was a whistle.
This fancy Native American musical instrument had a mouthpiece, three finger holes, and totem-pole carvings. It dangled from Tobias' neck on a leather cord. When properly played, it made beautiful melodic tones in the Native American tradition. But Tobias did not play it properly. He stuck the mouthpiece in his mouth and blew with all his might while deftly escaping Tyler's eager grasp. Whistles, squeals, and screams filled up every room in this house, until I finally stormed in between them and snatched that troublemaker away.
The Bible says in I Corinthians 13 that ministry without love is like a clanging cymbal. I imagine our works, when accompanied by an improper attitude, fill up the rooms of Heaven with a most irritating and unpleasant noise—not the sweet melody of true ministry in a spirit of love. Ask God to help you serve in a true spirit of love, not out of obligation or selfishness.
