OH MY WORD! Has it really been 18 months since I last posted anything? My, my, how life interferes with the best intentions.
Well, if you wanted to keep up with our adventures, you should have subscribed to the Evening Times. I get to publish a column once a month by the Marion Mom.
(Secret: I stress out every month as the deadline approaches, wondering what the heck to write about!)
Because I love to write, and I love less to revise, I may start jotting a few notes here again... If I find time.
And that's a big if...
Because life.

I'm about the business of raising godly children. So far, God has blessed us with six of them! My husband owns his own business, and I'm fortunate enough to stay at home with the kiddos. If you're looking for deep philosophy on this blog, you're out of luck. If you'd prefer random tales of childhood tomfoolery, stick around!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
In my defense...
One hour on a bike sounds at least a little weird. Add a moderate thunderstorm to the mix, and you can use this little stunt as evidence if I ever plead insanity in court.
What can I say? When the babysitter is here, come Hell or high water, come what may, I refuse to skip my me-time.
Lol. Insanity. I like it here.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Ta-da Labor Day Done!
My sweet husband hasn't yet learned to take a little longer on his projects, because if he's got time, I've got projects! But I know the boys will be so excited to clamber up to their new loft when they wake up tomorrow. And I hope they do... until about 9:30, so I can sleep in. <Yawn>
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Death by Canopy
A beautiful storm blew over the beach today in a matter of moments. As we hastily gathered our few belongings and began the trek back to the building, the wind whipped up the sand around us, blinding us with the pelting pellets. I glanced up to see a blue tent canopy rising off the ground ten feet from me. The wind whirled it straight for my head.
I'm amazed how quickly our brains can think in tense situations: I analyzed my options in the span of one second and decided to throw myself to the ground in fetal position and cover my head with my hands, like I'd been taught twenty-five years ago in grade-school tornado drills.
Neither of us had time to feel fear before safety was assured, but Hubs pointed out that I could have been impaled as the canopy flipped and whirled and implanted itself--very firmly--in the sand again.
So, I guess I escaped death today? I feel like I'm on the movie Final Destination. Who gets impaled by a canopy?!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Fun in the sun
Every family needs a funtime break. I'm so thankful for our summer break to enjoy the kids without overly parenting them.
Sunsets are better facing West
I remember the first time I went to the beaches of Florida. I was 12. I'm not much of a morning person, but I sure do enjoy the time of day when the sun meets the horizon. I planned to enjoy the sunset on the beach. The only problem was, we were on the East Coast... Facing East.
Sunsets, especially beach sunsets, are better facing West.
So, Hubs and I are headed to the beach, to reconnect, revitalize, re-romanticize. And catch a sunset or two facing West.
Because this is the best I can do in Arkansas:
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